Cool Room Construction Categories

Energy Efficient Cool Rooms & Freezer Rooms
Some of our Key Services include:
- Design & Construction
- Sale & Rental
- Repair & Maintenance
Why To Choose CoolRooms Plus:
The high quality polyurethane panels we use to construct cool rooms and freezer rooms have some of the highest rated insulation in the world, saving energy and preventing the internal temperature from changing. Our specialised polyurethane panels are high strength, moisture resistant, and have high quality temperature insulation properties and an air sealed system, as well as being anti-corrosive, age-resistant, moth-proof, chemical-resistant, non-toxic and non-molding, which work together with our specialised building and construction methodology to save you between 30-40% in the medium run and long run.
Many cool rooms and freezer rooms on the market are made of polystyrene panels (EPS). EPS can absorb and hold over 40% of the moisture from kitchen environments from sources such as fats, oils and water. This can make them highly flammable, whereas polyurethane holds zero moisture and is mold resistant, which means they can withstand all sorts of temperatures without damage.
In addition to this, the panels can be disassembled and reassembled if you wish to expand or modify your cool room or freezer room in the future.
Due to their various special features and high density foam, our specialised Polyurethane Panels provide superior insulation, which means that they can lower operation costs by up to 40% when compared to other cool room panels on the market.
Industries We Service
We serve a wide range of purposes, businesses, and industries, with some examples including:
- Food Manufacturers
- Food Storage Facilities
- Restaurants, Cafes, Bars, and Takeaways
- Food Distributors
- Farms and Rural Cool and Cold Rooms
- Service Station Cool Rooms and Freezers
- Cleanrooms for Healthcare Centres, Hospitals & the Pharmaceutical Industry
- Fruit & vegie marts
- Meat preparation Centres
- Family Businesses
- Domestic Temperature Controlled Rooms
- Painting Businesses
- Universities
Please scroll down to see some visual examples of our completed work for recent clients.
If you are considering getting a Cool Room, Cold Room, Refrigeration Room, Freezer Room, Clean Room or Temperature Controlled Rooms (including Warm Rooms), please give our friendly team a call on (03) 9794 9273 or send us an emaiil at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to find out more.
You can also find out about some of our recent clients' experiences with us on our Testimonials page or see our photo gallery below.